The Amish and Mennonites are among the most wonderful human beings anywhere on earth. You would have to look far, wide and long throughout this globe and still you may fail to find a group of people with the kindness, warmth and love as the Amish. However, this does not mean that you would not find a less than desirable person among the Amish. No person or group is perfect. But, they would be the first to tell you that we all have sinned. And they hold themselves to a very high scriptural standard as far as how they treat other human beings.
They live a relatively simple life. I say “relatively” simple, because if you are living in some rural part of the earth where technology has not yet made its way to your region; there is nothing you can do about it. However, when you are in the midst of twenty-first century USA, with opulence flowing all around you, but yet you maintain the simplicity that they do, there is something special, refreshing and profound about that.
They are a very hard working people. Farming, the oldest profession known to mankind, is still their primary way of life. They truly “Live off the Land”
Family and community life is of a very high priority with the Amish.
They work together and live together throughout their lives like no other group.
A close second would be the Mormons.
There are Amish people throughout the nation, but Lancaster Pennsylvania; affectionately called “Dutch Country” is a very special place in this nation like no other in the world.
They are a very religious people. The Amish and Mennonites are both Anabaptist sects that formed from during the protestant reformation in the sixteenth century.
There are some differences in the level of liberality that each would allow, and some mild differences in the practice of their faith, but their fundamental, foundational theology is similar. A more in-depth explanation of their beliefs and practices can be found without much difficulty.
Lancaster; Pennsylvania; and all of the USA are so very fortunate to be home to this treasure.